Flymaui   (now vers 10a)  allows users to extract data from the SD card (upper right) on Perspective MFD.

This data card is the SR22 ‘black box’ and records all engine parameters as well as location and performance

We use this to determine the moment the aircraft engine is on, when it flies, lands and when it is closed down

If the correct user is selected the app will will upload this data to this site which forms the basis for the ‘techlog’

From this you can see engine on, take off, land and close down times together with total time. origin and destination as well as date are shown.

There are two SD card adapters in the aeroplane – one for iPhone/iPad users and the other (grey) for Android

Take the SD card from the top right of the mfd. attach the SD card adapter to your ipad or android phone. put SD card into the adapter and then start the app ‘flymaui10a’