Wick to Home

We waited about and hour in the old control  tower which is FarNorth Aviations’s home, chatting with Adrienne and Drew. they were  waiting for a ferry pilot (Nick Taylor) also coming from Reykjavik in a diesel powered Cessna 172.  I’d heard a Sarf Afric accent announcing ‘Mike Yankee’ behind us and staying low (under the weather) out of BIRK. he said he was concerned he might have to turn round.

We gave some pireps – the tops went up to almost 15k

Anyway Nick duly arrived in the same 30kt gusting 40kt(actually not a full headwind but about 20-30 degrees off) same as us so  quite sporting and challenging. He managed to stop almost like a helicopter – mine – well – I was just glad to land level.

But swiftly back to Reykjavik earlier that morning- I knew the next system was due in between 0800 and 0900 – I mean the last one on Saturday was bad enough – 40 knots horizontal rain.

Start of the next front on Sunday morning creeping in over Reykjavik

I had planned for 0700 depart except the airport was not open until 0800 – The nice guy in the FBO agreed to turn up 20 mins early – great – until the tower decided they didn’t have all the details and didnt seem to understand the urgency- .  GRRR!( you know the drill ‘nothing to do with me – you’ve (the pilot) not done it right’ ) We eventually got away about 0830.

FIKI on full blast and max power climb to 15000ft – Actually we picked up no icing and fairly soon (100 miles) we’re in sunshine first at 11000 then we had to go up in two stages of 2000ft and cruised at 15k with a quartering tailwind giving us a 30 knot lift


Other than that no events – could even have  diverted to the Faroes which is usually shrouded in fog!!

landing as I said was somewhat sporting


Far North are excellent – really excellent

Drew decided to put us in the hangar because of the wind and waived the charge – (actually only £10) but a decent gesture

Filled up, fuel deicing and oxygen. We’re driven  into the Norseman hotel with aforesaid ferry pilot Nick 

Quick pint, shower, ablute and then down to carvery dinner…Only the carvery dinner was the talk of the town and most of the town was there queueing up at 5pm. so another pint and we have a table at 6pm. All jolly good

Some aspects of the hotel wouldn’t stand up in any other metropolis – mouldy grout in shower tiles, poly cotton sheets which if they didn’t give you a static shock, slipped like teflon off the bed. And most of the previous hotels -even Greenland – seemed to have modern foam mattresses. The Norseman sported sprung mattresses. Not in themselves bad but when they get old the tend to dig into you – so you know exactly where every spring is. I cannot accuse the Norseman sprung mattresses of this but I swear I was woken up by same said spring making ‘boing’ noises, so I knew where all the springs were. C’mon guys spend a little money and get some memory foam mattresses – the rest of your hotel and the lovely staff are worth it – even if the guests are not.

Wandered around Wick – its actually quite interesting – short walk to the North Sea harbour, There is a railway into  Wick which I later discovered if a picturesque heritage line.  Caithness (the region) seems to be Macbeth territory although most have changed their name to Macbeath – thanks a lot for the bad publicity William Shakespeare.!!

Its also Murray territory – it’s the Moray firth just south, the source of the name and there are many Murrays about.

Lovely part of the world and many interesting things to do – If you want a flying trip slightly less challenging than mine then get up to Wick – Call Adrienne or Drew – you’ll be assured of a great welcome.

Following morning was the usual early start. Syd had not been able to get a flight plan past EuroControl,  Drew Murray had a go too and failed, Eventually we got one accepted and provided we were ‘wheels  up’ but 0730 z everything would be ok. And so it was – well after we took off and were in the tender care of ATC no minute part of our flight plan remained – vectors here, then go to this unheard of waypoint there.

It’s a complete farce – waste of our time and a waste of controllers time – but small aircraft doing dutiful IR are second class citizens. 

So we plug on 15000ft- mostly above cloud  but the Lake district was clear – beautiful view, Also beautiful view of the Mersey and the Wirral – saw my old house from 15000 feet and 45 years,  Ahhh nostalgia is not what it used to be!

We knew the arrival was going to be challenged before taking off but I’d factored in arriving around midday or later so the heat might have burned off foggy conditions. YUK – we were somewhat forced into departing earlier than I wanted and into the bargain the murky conditions persisted longer,

No point is sweating but by the time we were over Cardiff, Guernsey seemed to be getting worse

Ok  Brief for minimums – what alternates – What a sad end having to divert to Jersey or even Southampton.  Checking ATis every 15 mins, So briefed for missed approach- elected vectors to ILS for 27 – inbound over town 

Syd and I fully expected to have to ‘go around’ – we’d agreed we’d hold for 45 mins (plenty of fuel) and then b@gger off to Jersey.

In the end the electronics announced ‘minimums’ just as I saw the approach lights and the end of the runway. Down without a hitch

reception committee awaited – cakes and prosecco in the ASG conference room – Soooo good to be back and lovely to see friends.

What a trip!  Challenges right to the end.